Dairy Foods Short Courses
In 1890, University of Wisconsin-Madison established the first dairy school in the United States and continues to serve as the leader in dairy manufacturing programs. Over 13,000 students have been trained in the various dairy manufacturing short courses covering a host of subjects.
Program Contact:
Scott Rankin, Ph.D.
Dept. of Food Science
UW-Madison, Room 105A
Babcock Hall
1605 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Short Courses - Online
Milk Pasteurization and Process Control
The new online Milk Pasteurization Process Control School focuses on topics such as system design and operation, spoilage and pathogenic microflora, operation and maintenance of equipment and pumps, CIP systems, and cleaning and sanitation.

Cleaning and Sanitation Workshop
The Cleaning and Sanitation Workshop online course covers the basics of cleaning and sanitation chemistry and practice. With speakers from industry and academia, it is designed to provide a strong overview of Cleaning and Sanitation practices.

Now Available! Applied Dairy Chemistry
The Applied Dairy Chemistry course will provide a better understanding of the chemical and physical changes during processing and storage of dairy products and how these impact the overall quality.

Emergency Seal Applicator Training
This program is designed as a first step in gaining fundamental training to apply emergency seals to milk pasteurization systems as indicated in the PMO.

In-Person Courses
Successful Ice Cream Retailing
This course is designed to provide the very best, most accurate information that frozen dessert retailers need to be successful in this industry today so you can manage your business for more profit, better employees, and effective promotions.

Batch Freezer Workshop
Offered annually, this workshop is designed to provide attendees with an in-depth exposure to the practice of successfully manufacturing premium frozen desserts using batch freezer technologies.

Milk Pasteurization and Process Control School
Offered annually, this course focuses on spoilage and pathogenic bacteria, proper operation and maintenance of automated equipment and pumps, regulatory standards, cleaning and sanitation followed by a certifying exam issues to registrants.